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'App'iness Begins

It's both a play on the new Jonas Brothers album AND a chat about an app. As it turns out, Her Campus does have an app, which I didn't know before setting out to write this post. It's called "Her Campus Events", and it's free on the iPhone App Store and the Google App Store. When you look it up, you find it like this: "The official mobile app of Her Campus has the following functionality: social event feed for every event you join us at access to your tickets ability to chat with other event attendees right within the app detailed info about event, keynotes, sponsors, and breakout sessions schedule with ability to create personal notifications and ability to sign up for breakouts and keynotes with limited capacity" The main function of this app is to assist with any events put on by HerCampus. For example, the Her Conference event that takes place in Los Angeles and New York City each week.  It will show you people who

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